
Has it Been Over a Year Since Your Last Inspection?

Like everything else, spectator seating needs maintenance to stay in top shape. Our inspection identifies any potential safety or service issues to ensure that you save money and keep your guests safe on your seating system.

There are endless events you can hold on your fixed and retractable seating, from sporting events, assemblies, graduations, and concerts. Your spectators will experience the best in comfort and safety on your seating with our routine inspections, keeping them code compliant and mechanically sound.

We’ve been in the public spectator seating business for decades, inspecting, repairing, and maintaining seating for all types of venues. We’re an industry leader that’s well equipped to ensure your investment remains in excellent shape, and your spectators stay comfortable.

Both the ICC 300 and NFPA 101 require annual inspections. Contact us to schedule your inspection for this year.

A full view of the seating at the Yasugi General Culture Hall

What Our Inspections Include

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General Condition

KSSG inspects around the system and surrounding floor that could be in need of cleaning, or areas that appear to be corroded.

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All guides, guide rods, row locks,

stop angles, guide stops, members, and fasteners will be observed to ensure that they retain full functionality and are safe for use.

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Guard rails, center aisle rails, and steps will be checked to make sure they are code compliant, stable, and fit well.

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Power System

KSSG inspects the condition of the existing power system, checking o any irregular wear or damage.

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Target Needs

After the inspection has been completed, we identify anything that needs to be repaired, maintained, or upgraded to best suit your needs.

Ready to Learn More?

Just fill out the form, and one of our professional staff will contact you, listen to your needs and schedule a time for an inspection.

A full front view of the fixed and portable seating at Rikuzentaka Multi-Purpose Community Hall.

Contact Us